Our expert team of lawyers understand that people in the later stages of life have specific needs and that preparing for the future may involve not only their own personal circumstances but providing for their family too.
We regularly advise older clients as well as individuals whose situation has changed as a result of them having reached a different stage in their lives – whether through retirement, the need to care for an older relative or receiving an inheritance.
We can assist with a number of services, including updating wills, management of financial affairs, payment of care fees or inheritance tax planning. Our team includes members of the Society of Trusts and Estate Practitioners (STEP) and the Association of Lifetime Lawyers.
We know that considering a plan for the future can be emotional and that some of the conversations and decisions involved with this aren’t easy. However, not having a plan in place is worse for your family when the time comes and they will take comfort from knowing your wishes are in place. Our specialist team can assist with: