An Advance Decision is a decision a person can make in advance to refuse a specific type of medical treatment at some point in the future. This is sometimes known as an Advance Decision to refuse treatment (ADRT) or a Living Will.

Creating an Advance Decision gives you peace of mind that you have taken decisions about the end-of-life care you receive.

An Advance Decision lets families, carers and health professionals know whether their loved one wishes to refuse specific treatments in the future, ensuring they know their wishes should they not be in a position to make or communicate that decision themselves. This may include the decision not to accept life-sustaining treatment.

We are experts in working with individuals and their families who wish to put an Advance Decision in place. Doing so requires careful understanding and sensitivity to the wishes of the individual, as well as proper planning.

Our approach

We will discuss with you what you would like to do and how this may be put into an Advance Decision. We will then create the relevant document for you. For an Advance Decision to be legally binding it must comply with the Mental Capacity Act and be ‘valid’.

Working with a lawyer to put an Advance Decision in place ensures that the process is legally binding and, crucially, that the individual and their carer, family or loved one, understands the implications of what it contains.

We work with you and your family to ensure the content of the Advance Decision document is properly planned out, and that it contains clear guidance for healthcare professionals, next of kin, family and friends. This can help to avoid any confusion if there is a change in the person’s condition.

For further information on Advance Decisions or to speak to us about the process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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