Court of Protection: Personal Welfare Deputy Orders


The legal position regarding decision making changes once a person becomes an adult. We regularly receive calls from concerned family members asking what’s involved in applying to the Court of Protection (CoP) for a Personal Welfare Deputy Order, also known as a deputyship order, for their son or daughter. Frequently families…

What is the Court of Protection?


In this blog, we explain what the Court of Protection is, and why it matters if you have a disabled child or a loved one with a learning disability. defines the Court of Protection’s role as follows: We make decisions on financial or welfare matters for people who can’t…

#askRL – What is a Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney?


Today, Solicitors for the Elderly launch its new campaign “The Incapacity Crisis: Making sure your wishes are heard” which raises awareness of Health and Welfare Lasting Powers of Attorney. In support of the campaign, and as part of our own blog series on ‘Developing Vulnerability’ which looks at what happens…

What is Deprivation of Liberty?


In our previous blog, we discussed the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and the issue of decision making on behalf of someone who may lack mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. Some of the biggest decisions that need to be made concern where a person lives, how they are…

Real Families, Real Stories – inheritance and the mental capacity to manage this


Over the coming months we will be highlighting real families and their own unique situations surrounding planning for the future for their disabled and vulnerable children. We have changed the names of the family members, but each story is based on real clients we have assisted and covers some difficult…

When Court of Protection may apply for your clients


By Philip Warford “My mother is becoming really forgetful, I think she might have dementia.”  Words that might strike fear into the heart of any adviser, especially if you are mid-transaction.  But what does that really mean to you?  And what are your options? The Mental Capacity Act It’s extremely…

Series: Transition into Adulthood, an introduction


By Katherine Miller Most parents of teenagers will recall stories of the challenges they face as their child grows up and becomes a young adult.  For parents of a child who is disabled, has learning difficulties or is vulnerable in some way, this transition period to adulthood can be particularly…

#askRL – I think my Grandma has dementia; how can I help her as she’s struggling to manage?


Question: I think my Grandma has dementia; how can I help her as she’s struggling to manage? Answer: We’re sorry to hear your Grandma isn’t managing. We can obviously advise you on the legal plans that can be put in place to assist your Grandma, these are set out below.…